PLP Statement of Solidarity

We stand with the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) call to “condemn racism and take an active role in eliminating the racial biases that account for a myriad of social, economic, and health disparities, and most importantly, result in the loss of human lives – Black lives. As architects, we are professionally responsible for protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public.” Yet “The tragic execution of Black Americans at the hands of people infected by racism has plagued our nation for generations.” As NOMA says, “there is power in words” and their new mission statement certainly sets a precedent for architecture firms and organizations nationwide. 

George Floyd’s murder at the hands of four police officers—each of whom once swore to protect and serve their communities—is horrifying, as are the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and the countless Black Americans before them. There is no ambiguity about what we have witnessed: the system is wholly and fundamentally broken. We can and must do better.

As a small agency we ask ourselves: Are we doing enough? Is it enough that our company’s ethos actively addresses systemic inequality in the fields of architecture and design? Is it enough to promote Black and minority figures? Is it enough to contextualize this latest atrocity within the ongoing struggle for civil rights and equality both in our profession and more broadly?

After eight-minutes and forty-six seconds, it certainly does not feel like enough. This is ongoing work and we still have a long way to go.

Join us as we take these steps toward contributing to a solution.  

Above all, commit. We commit to staying engaged with anti-racist work, even when the protests wane and the news cycles pivot.  This work is essential and never-ending, and we want to be held accountable for doing our part in the cause to dismantle systemic racism.

Black lives matter. 


Point Line Projects
