Visit Artist Paul Zelevansky Exhibit at Printed Matter’s Virtual Art Book Fair

Printed Matter Virtual Art Book Fair
February 24 – 28, 2021


After exhibiting together in New York and Los Angeles, PLP is excited to work with artist Paul Zelevensky on his virtual exhibition at Printed Matter’s upcoming 2021 Virtual Art Book Fair. This online iteration of the 15+ year book fair will feature more than 400 exhibitors from 41 countries. With participants constructing their own multimedia exhibitor pages, the platform is sure to be a visually captivating smorgasbord of creativity.

We’re having a blast designing and curating Paul’s virtual Cargo “book table” to suit the fair’s digital landscape. We’ll be “tabling” for a few hours every day at the fair, so join us later this month to peruse Paul’s books, videos, and artwork. Drop into the chat to say hello!

Special Event: “Make a Right Turn at the Old Man”

On Friday, February 26 at 2pm EST, Paul will be joined by critic and designer Stephen Mayes for a live conversation about word, image, books, and autobiography, featuring a screening from Paul’s new video series, “Make a Right Turn at the Old Man.” Pre-register here for the Zoom event.

We look forward to “seeing” you there!
